Speaker information

Arthur van Diesen


Arthur van Diesen, a national of The Netherlands, is the UNICEF Representative in Kazakhstan from the 1st of June 2019. Arthur previously served with UNICEF as Regional Social Policy Adviser in the Middle East and North Africa (2015-2019) and as Deputy Representative in Tajikistan (2010-2015). Before joining UNICEF, Arthur worked for DFID, UNDP and various international NGOs. He worked and lived in Africa, South and Central Asia, and the Middle East. Arthur has over twenty-five years of experience in social policy, applied social research, monitoring and evaluation and programme management. He is a sociologist by training, with a Master’s Degree from Tilburg University in The Netherlands.



Speaker presentations


Date: TBA

Time: TBA
Nur-Sultan time

Keynote speech

Learning, Teaching & Leading Beyond the Pandemic: what we should start doing, keep doing, and stop doing to transform education?

Millions of children and their teachers all over the world have been spending many months coping with the greatest pandemic in a century. What have we all learned from this experience and what should we do next? Should teachers’ new proficiencies with digital learning encourage more technology use in schools or have students’ experiences with excess screen time demonstrated the need for more in-person teaching? What have we learned about the importance of well-being, health and relationships in our schools? Which countries responded best to the pandemic in education and what has that taught us about effective leadership, positive collaboration and more flexible systems? And after suspending examinations and standardized testing for two years in a row, have we finally reached the point where we can completely rethink educational assessment? Drawing on his extensive experience of working with countries and systems during the pandemic, Andy Hargreaves will set out what our next steps in education now need to be in a post-pandemic world.


Date: TBA

Time: TBA
Nur-Sultan time


Student Engagement: more than just relevance, technology & fun

Student engagement is the new frontier of student achievement. In a world full of distractions and disruptions, it’s hard to get students to succeed unless you can also get and keep their attention, fire up their passions, and connect with their lives and interests.

Engagement means much more than simply showing up and fixing all eyes on the teacher. Drawing on over 7 years of research, this workshop gets to the bottom of what student engagement is and is not. Sometimes it’s about being relevant to students’ interests, but it can also be about creating new interests. Sometimes, it’s about compelling world issues like climate change, and sometimes it’s all about fantasy fiction and fun. You can get engaged with technology but also without it. And not all engagement is fun. Sometimes, getting engaged in a challenge or a problem may be frustrating, involves struggle, and might even occasion sacrifice and suffering from time to time.

Based on his new book with Dennis Shirley on Student Engagement, this workshop also peers into the problem of disengagement, and looks at how to deal with it.