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Томас Хсу

Dr. Tom Hsu is a Chief Product Officer, PASCO Scientific, and a nationally known innovator in technology for learning including science equipment, curriculum and teacher professional development. An inspiring teacher and strong advocate of hands-on learning, Tom is known for the elegant equipment and curriculum he created with Ergopedia, CPO, and Lab-Aids.

His approach coordinates technology, textbooks, teaching apparatus, hands-on investigations, assessment, and teacher training into true learning solutions that optimize student achievement while also being practical and economical. Tom has lead the development of extraordinary e-Book technology featuring powerful interactive media, animation, video, and simulation for teaching physics and math on tablets, computers, even smart phones. Tom is the author or co-author of seven published middle and high school science programs in physics, chemistry and physical science, including “Essential Physics” a new electronic STEM physics program from PASCO Scientific, “A Natural Approach to Chemistry,” published by Lab-Aids, and “Integrated Physics and Chemistry,” published by CPO Science and widely used in Texas. Tom is the Chief Product Officer of PASCO Scientific, the co-founder of Ergopedia, Inc, and the founder and former president of CPO Science. Tom has personal teaching experience from elementary grades through graduate school and holds a Ph.D. in applied plasma physics from MIT where he was nominated for the Goodwin medal for excellence in teaching.

X Халықаралық Ғылыми-тәжірибелік Конференциясы, 25-26 қазан 2018 ж.: Пленарлық отырыстағы баяндама

What does it mean to teach 21st century skills?

There is a vast gap between the objectives of 21st century skills and the materials and practices common to many classrooms. Yet, learning tools available today can effectively engage students in developing core 21st century skills. Rote problems can be replaced with scenario-based problems that develop critical thinking. Real data and hands-on experience provide opportunities to think creatively and collaborate. Real-world mathematics with spreadsheets teaches technical literacy as well as core math concepts. Well-designed project-based learning can effectively develop leadership, initiative, and social skills. Dr. Tom Hsu, is the author of eight science programs and has trained more than 20,000 teachers. In this session he will share practical classroom strategies to teach 21st century skills. More than just theory, this is about effective practices that can be used today, to teach these skills our students need for tomorrow.

[:ru][bt_section layout=”boxed” top_spaced=”topExtraSpaced” bottom_spaced=”bottomSpaced” skin=”dark” full_screen=”no” divider=”no” back_image=”6411″ back_color=”” back_video=”” video_settings=”” parallax=”0.1″ parallax_offset=”” el_id=”” el_class=”” el_style=”” vertical_align=”btBottomVertical” animation=”” animation_back=”” animation_impress=””][bt_row][bt_column width=”1/1″ align=”left” vertical_align=”inherit” border=”no_border” cell_padding=”default” animation=”no_animation” text_indent=”no_text_indent” highlight=”no_highlight” background_color=”” transparent=”” el_class=”” el_style=”” background_image=””][bt_header superheadline=”NIS Международная научно-практическая конференция” headline=”Инноваторы в образовании” headline_size=”medium” dash=”bottom” subheadline=”” el_class=”” el_style=””][/bt_header][/bt_column][/bt_row][/bt_section]


Томас Хсу

Доктор Томас Хсу является Директором отдела контроля производства, PASCO Scientific, а также на национальном уровне он известен в качестве новатора в сфере технологий обучения, включая научное оборудование, куррикулум и профессиональное развитие учителей. Являясь вдохновляющим учителем и активным сторонником практического обучения, Томас известен благодаря разработанному совместно с Ergopedia, CPO, и Lab-Aids оборудованию и куррикулуму.

Его подход объединяет технологии, учебники, обучающие устройства, прикладные исследования, оценивание и обучение учителей, которые оптимизируют достижения учащихся, в то же время будучи практичными и экономичными. Том возглавлял проект по разработке концепта электронной книги, которая включала в себя интерактивные инструменты обучения, анимацию, видео и симуляции для обучения физике и математике и могла быть использована на планшетах, компьютерах, и даже на смартфонах. Том является автором и соавтором семи изданных научных программ для основной и старшей школ по физике и химии, таких как «Основы физики» — новая электронная STEM программа по физике от PASCO Scientific, «Естественный подход к химии», издательства Lab-Aids, и «Интегрированная физика и химия», изданная CPO Science и широко используемая в Техасе, США. Том является Директором отдела контроля производства, PASCO Scientific соучредителем компании Ergopedia, Inc, и основателем и бывшим президентом CPO Science. Том имеет опыт преподавания, начиная от начальной школы до преподавания в университете, а также степень доктора Ph.D. в прикладной плазменной физике, за которую он был номинирован на медаль Goodwin за мастерство в преподавании.

Х Международная научно-практическая конференция, 25-26 октября 2018 г.: Выступление на пленарном заседании

Что значит обучение навыкам 21-го века?

Существует большой разрыв между целями навыков 21-го века и материалами и методами, используемыми на занятиях во многих школах. Доступные сегодня средства обучения могут эффективно вовлечь учащихся в развитие основных навыков 21-го века. Решение рутинных проблем можно заменить решением сценариев, которые развивают критическое мышление. Реальные данные и практический опыт предоставляют возможность думать творчески и работать в команде. Реальная математика с электронными таблицами, помимо самой математики, обучает технической грамотности. Качественно разработанное проектное обучение способствует эффективному развитию лидерства, инициативы и социальных навыков. Доктор Том Хсу является автором восьми программ по преподаванию научных дисциплин и обучил более 20 000 учителей. В рамках своего выступления он поделится практическими стратегиями, которые можно применять в классе при обучении навыкам 21-го века. Применяя эти практические знания в классе уже сегодня, можно с успехом обучить детей навыкам, которые пригодятся им в завтрашнем дне.

[:en][bt_section layout=”boxed” top_spaced=”topExtraSpaced” bottom_spaced=”bottomSpaced” skin=”dark” full_screen=”no” divider=”no” back_image=”6411″ back_color=”” back_video=”” video_settings=”” parallax=”0.1″ parallax_offset=”” el_id=”” el_class=”” el_style=”” vertical_align=”btBottomVertical” animation=”” animation_back=”” animation_impress=””][bt_row][bt_column width=”1/1″ align=”left” vertical_align=”inherit” border=”no_border” cell_padding=”default” animation=”no_animation” text_indent=”no_text_indent” highlight=”no_highlight” background_color=”” transparent=”” el_class=”” el_style=”” background_image=””][bt_header superheadline=”NIS International Research-to-Practice Conference” headline=”Inspirational Speakers” headline_size=”medium” dash=”bottom” subheadline=”” el_class=”” el_style=””][/bt_header][/bt_column][/bt_row][/bt_section]

Keynote Speakers

Thomas Hsu

Dr. Tom Hsu is a Chief Product Officer, PASCO Scientific, and a nationally known innovator in technology for learning including science equipment, curriculum and teacher professional development. An inspiring teacher and strong advocate of hands-on learning, Tom is known for the elegant equipment and curriculum he created with Ergopedia, CPO, and Lab-Aids.

His approach coordinates technology, textbooks, teaching apparatus, hands-on investigations, assessment, and teacher training into true learning solutions that optimize student achievement while also being practical and economical. Tom has lead the development of extraordinary e-Book technology featuring powerful interactive media, animation, video, and simulation for teaching physics and math on tablets, computers, even smart phones. Tom is the author or co-author of seven published middle and high school science programs in physics, chemistry and physical science, including “Essential Physics” a new electronic STEM physics program from PASCO Scientific, “A Natural Approach to Chemistry,” published by Lab-Aids, and “Integrated Physics and Chemistry,” published by CPO Science and widely used in Texas. Tom is the Chief Product Officer of PASCO Scientific, the co-founder of Ergopedia, Inc, and the founder and former president of CPO Science. Tom has personal teaching experience from elementary grades through graduate school and holds a Ph.D. in applied plasma physics from MIT where he was nominated for the Goodwin medal for excellence in teaching.

X NIS International Research-to-Practice Conference, 25-26 October 2018: Keynote Speech

What does it mean to teach 21st century skills?

There is a vast gap between the objectives of 21st century skills and the materials and practices common to many classrooms. Yet, learning tools available today can effectively engage students in developing core 21st century skills. Rote problems can be replaced with scenario-based problems that develop critical thinking. Real data and hands-on experience provide opportunities to think creatively and collaborate. Real-world mathematics with spreadsheets teaches technical literacy as well as core math concepts. Well-designed project-based learning can effectively develop leadership, initiative, and social skills. Dr. Tom Hsu, is the author of eight science programs and has trained more than 20,000 teachers. In this session he will share practical classroom strategies to teach 21st century skills. More than just theory, this is about effective practices that can be used today, to teach these skills our students need for tomorrow.
