XIII International Research-to-Practice
21–22 October 2022

21 Friday
Concert Hall
First floor
Conference Opening

Welcome speech
Altai Kulginov
Akim of Astana
Concert Hall
First floor
Plenary 1
Quality education for every child

Holistic development of children for a changing world
Kulyash Shamshidinova
Chairperson of the Board, Nazarbayev Intellectual Schools AEO

Creating Pathways for the Future: Making Trends into Friend
David Marsh
Director for Innovation & Outreach, EduCluster Finland, University of Jyväskylä Group, Finland

Optimization of classes with artificial intelligence based on the “High-Touch, High-Tech” model
Sung Jae Park
senior researcher at the Korean Educational Development Institute, Republic of Korea

What are the benefits of quality early childhood education?
Iram Siraj
professor of Child Development and Education, University of Oxford, UK

Nazipa Ayubayeva
PhD, Deputy Chairperson of the Board, Nazarbayev Intellectual Schools AEO