XI NIS International Research-to-Practice Conference
Inspirational Speakers
International Speakers
Karine Tremblay
TALIS Project Manager and Senior Analyst, OECD Directorate for Education and Skills, France
Karine Tremblay is a French national who has been in the OECD Directorate for Education and Skills since 2001 and in charge of the Teaching and Learning International Survey (TALIS) since September 2014. Previously she was a senior analyst for higher education policy work. Before that, she was in charge of the OECD Assessment of Higher Education Learning Outcomes (AHELO) feasibility study, an analyst on the OECD Thematic Review of Tertiary Education and she managed the World Education Indicators programme (2001-2004). She has worked and written on student mobility, the impact of education on economic growth, the development of a survey of primary schools in developing countries and comparative education trends in Europe, China and India. She holds a PhD in Development Economics from Panthéon-Sorbonne University in Paris where she also lectured. She specialised in internationalisation and quality assurance policies and the political economy of reform in tertiary education.
XI NIS International Research-to-Practice Conference, 24-25 October 2019: Keynote Speech
TALIS 2018: supporting the teaching profession in a changing world – First results and key messages for Kazakstan in an international perspective
The presentation will start with an overview of global trends that impact education, and what they mean for students, for education systems and for their teachers. It will then make the case for changing paradigm in the area of teaching and learning, and highlight how TALIS, the largest international survey of teachers and school leaders, can help support policymakers and the profession in this transition. The presentation will then describe the main features of TALIS 2018, the third cycle of the survey, in terms of country participation, as well as themes covered by TALIS 2018 that enable TALIS to provide a global barometers of teaching and the teaching profession from 48 countries and economies around the world. The focus will then turn to the first results and messages of the TALIS 2018 survey for Kazakhstan, with an emphasis on presenting the Kazakh results in an international perspective, in order to identify the strengths of the system as well as areas for improvement. The end of the presentation will flag potential pointers for policy development, monitoring or reform in order to best support the Kazakh teaching profession in preparing students for the world of tomorrow.