NIS Халықаралық Ғылыми-тәжірибелік Конференциясы

Жүзден жүйрік спикерлер


Дэвид Лич

David has over 30 years’ experience in education projects across the world – most recently working in Colombia, Mexico, UK, Oman, Laos, Kazakhstan, Chile, Jamaica and USA. Dave has worked at all levels of education from early years to university, designing technology and digital solutions, supporting outsourcing and managed services, delivering in-school assessments and managing large scale national assessment programmes. More recently, Dave has led the PISA assessment framework contracts within PISA 2015, PISA 2018, PISA for Development and PISA 2021. His current responsibilities include identifying and working on projects that drive improvements in learning outcomes based on a holistic and balanced measurement-input-improvement cycle.

X Халықаралық Ғылыми-тәжірибелік Конференциясы, 25-26 қазан 2018 ж.: Пленарлық отырыстағы баяндама

Destination Known. How assessing the impact of schooling over the long term helps shape education policy

By examining the undergraduate, graduate, and career outcomes of alumni, school systems can assess their impact and improve outcomes for the next generation of students across Kazakhstan. This talk explores some of the longitudinal surveys in existence today and how they can drive education change and policy.