VIII International Research-to-Practice Conference

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‘Taking Change to Scale in Education. 27-28 October 2016. Astana, Kazakhstan.

Information for Conference Participants

On this page, you can read fuller information on the conference requirements.
  1. Requirements for Papers
  2. Presenting at the Conference
  3. Requirements for Posters
  4. Information for Session Chairs and Discussants
  5. Requirements for Academic Articles for the Conference Proceedings

1. Requirements for Papers

Thank you for your interest in speaking at the NIS International Conference. We hope that it will be an enjoyable and benefical experience for you, and that the contacts that you make and feedback that you gain will help you further your research in future.
You may submit an abstract via our online system. Please indicate the title of your submission (maximum 20 words), provide a full abstract (400-600 words), and include a list of references (maximum 400 words). 
Next, you should indicate your first and second choice of network. 
The basic requirement is that all submissions should be relevant to preschool, primary and/or secondary education. 
Papers submitted will be assessed by five criteria:
  • The language of the paper should be clear and understandable
  • The research discussed should be original, systematic and substantial.
  • The research should be empirical or analytic in nature, rather than merely descriptive.
  • The paper should make clear the theoretical framework, methodology, research methods, background, results and conclusions of the authors.
  • Literature supporting the research should be clearly and consistently cited.
Priority will be given to papers with a focus on preschool, primary and/or secondary education in the Commonwealth of Independent States.
Your paper will be reviewed by a member of the Research Department, and by a specialist from the particular network in question. We will try to contact you within two weeks with the result of our academic review. Papers will either be accepted, rejected, or returned for resubmission.
If you have any questions about the academic review process, please don’t hesitate to contact us on conference (@) 

2. Presenting at the Conference

Now that your abstract has been accepted, you register separately to be a participant in the conference. Please click this link to find out more about participating in the NIS International Conference.
If you are presenting at a multilingual session, it is essential that you provide slides in three languages by 15th October. If you are presenting at a monolingual session, e.g. only Kazakh, you may bring your presentation with you on the day of your presentation.
If you have had your paper accepted and decide for whatever reason not to present, please let us know asap by writing to conference (at) Failure to attend will distrupt the individual session, and inconvenience those who would have enjoyed learning about your research.
In breakout sessions, speakers are allocated the following time for presenting:
  • Two speakers in the session: 30 minutes per presentation;
  • Three speakers in the session: 20 minutes per presentation;
  • Four speakers in the session: 15 minutes per presentation; and,
  • Five speakers in the session: 12 minutes per presentation.
After you have given your presentation, we be grateful if you are able to share your presentation with us. Also, you will be invited to give a short 3-4 minute media interview which NIS will add to our website and popular video websites, such as Youtube, Yandex Video and Nur.Video, and may be featured in the local media. Finally, participation in the conference entitles presenters to inclusion in the conference proceedings, subject to academic review.

3. Requirements for Posters

Posters should provide an overview of research you have conducted with deep analysis of the data collected.
The poster should contain the following sections:
  • Statement of purpose and topicality;
  • Research questions;
  • Methodology and research methods;
  • Results and analysis;
  • Conclusions; and,
  • List of literature.
Posters should be A1 size. The poster should contain a title, font size of at least 28 pt., and should use consistent design and colour schemes throughout. Leave margins. Text should be left-aligned, and it is recommended that the text cover not more than 50% of the total area of the poster. Distractions from the principal purpose of the poster, namely communicating research findings, are not welcome.
The accompanying oral presentation of the poster should last 3-5 minutes.
You can find examples of posters on the NIS SK website, or in the collection of posters available through any NIS school library.

4. Information for Session Chairs and Discussants

Each session shall last for 90 minutes.
In breakout sessions, speakers are allocated the following time for presenting:
  • Two speakers in the session: 30 minutes per presentation;
  • Three speakers in the session: 20 minutes per presentation;
  • Four speakers in the session: 15 minutes per presentation; and,
  • Five speakers in the session: 12 minutes per presentation.
In total, therefore, 60 minutes are allocated for presentations, with the remaining 30 minutes split between opening and closing remarks from the session chair, commentary from the discussant, and question and answer time with the speakers.
Notes for Session Chairs
Before the session begins:
  • Examine the programme and request beforehand any additional materials you require;
  • Familiarise yourself with speakers’ short biographical notes, read their papers, and, if possible, introduce yourself to the speakers;
  • Inform speakers of the session timings, and the timing signals; and,
  • Ensure that powerpoints, prezis, ooo impress files etc. are ready in advance on the computer, and that speakers’ technical needs have been met.
During the session:
  • Greet the audience, introducing yourself, the purpose of the session, and the speakers.
  • Provide timing signals to speakers;
  • Provide a very brief bridge between speakers, thanking the outgoing speaker, and mentioning the name and talk title of the incoming speaker.
  • Politely, but firmly, interrupt speakers who overrun, thanking them for their contribution;
  • Hand the floor over to the discussant, once all speakers have spoken; and,
  • After the question and answer session has finished, close, thanking the speakers, discussant and audience for their participation.
After the session:
  • Remain behind to talk with participants; and,
  • Ensure all print and electronic resources are handed over to the organising committee.
Notes for Discussants
Before the session begins:
  • Examine the programme and request any additional materials you require beforehand; and,
  • Familiarise yourself with speakers’ short biographical notes, read their papers, and, if possible, introduce yourself to the speakers.
During the session:
  • Raise points of discussion arising from the speakers’ presentations; and,
  • Stimulate a lively, open and intellectually-honest question and answer session from participants.
After the session:
  • Ensure that all recommendations be forwarded to the Organizing Committee.
Where the session has no discussant, the chair will be responsible for leading the discussion of the presentation, and summarising recommendations arising.

5. Requirements for Academic Articles

The deadline for submitting academic articles for inclusion in the Conference Proceedings is 25th November 2016.
Requirements for academic articles in three languages may be accessed via the following link.