NIS Networks

Educational Change and Innovation

The socio-economic development of Kazakhstan and the importance of education
Alikhan Karabayev
/Information Analytic Centre, Kazakhstan/

The digital generation and the ethnopedagogical basis of education: a glimpse into the future
Aygerim Mynbayeva
/ Faculty of General and Ethnographic Education, Кazakh National University, Kazakhstan/


Primary and secondary education research in Tadzhikistan
Sarfaroz Niyozov
/ Aga Khan University, Karachi, Pakistan/

Primary and secondary education research in Kyrgyzstan
Rakhat Zholoshliyeva
/ University of Toronto, Canada/

Primary and secondary education research in Kazakhstan
Kairat Kurakbayev, Daniel Torrano
/ Nazarbayev University, Kazakhstan/

Renewal of the Primary Curriculum in pilot schools: findings of the international research project
Colleen McLaughlin, Liz Winter
/ Cambridge University, United Kingdom/
Kairat Kurakbayev
/ Nazarbayev University, Kazakhstan/


On the results of the monitoring of piloting the renewed content of the curriculum in the first grade of mainstream secondary schools
Mariyam Mukatova
/ National Academy of Education, Kazakhstan/

Piloting the New Primary Curriculum: advantages and perspectives
Almagul Kaziyeva
/ Gorky Lyceum, Mangistau Oblast/

The results of diagnostic testing of first grade students of pilot and control schools
Sabyrzhan Madeyev
/ Center of Pedagogical Measurements, Nazarbayev Intellectual Schools, Kazakhstan/

Piloting primary education reforms in Kazakhstan: what the data tell us
Assel Kambatyrova
/ Nazarbayev University, Kazakhstan/

Disseminating the NIS experience to mainstream schools
Dariga Nurkesheva
/ NIS Semey, Kazakhstan/

Formative assessment in the context of the educational reform project
Meiramkul Absatova
/ Center of Pedagogical Measurements, Nazarbayev Intellectual Schools, Kazakhstan/

One hundred steps for the implementation of President’s five institutional reforms – achieving 79 steps of the national plan in lower secondary schools
Baknur Ziyabekov
/ Nazarbayev University, Kazakhstan/

Complexity of ungraded schools in rural Kazakhstan: Teachers’ understandings about how the curriculum can be best delivered to mixed age groups
Marcelo Lopez Lara
/ Nazarbayev University, Kazakhstan/

Once more with feeling
Anna Phillips
/ NIS Aktau, Kazakhstan/